Recent discussions

  • Thomas Sather

    As all studies involved healthcare providers and/or healthcare trainees, recommend that the CoSTR treatment recommendation specify the population this applies to. Suggest that the recommendation read as “We suggest the use of high-fidelity manikins be used by healthcare providers and/or healthcare trainees…”

    In following article:
    Manikin fidelity in resuscitation education: EIT 6410 TF SR
  • Susan Niermeyer

    Should deferred umbilical cord clamping and its interaction with administered oxygen concentration be highlighted as a significant gap in knowledge and explored deliberately in future analyses?

    In following article:
    Oxygen concentration for initiating resuscitation in preterm infants: NLS 5400 TF SR

    I do not have experiencie on this subject to give an opinion

    In following article:
    Near Infrared Spectroscopy during Respiratory Support at Birth:NLS 5362 TF SR

    the glucose management would be a care monitoring after ressucitacion In delivery room as that it is possible to achieve better neurological development

    In following article:
    Glucose management in Neonatal Resuscitation: NLS 5602 /tf ScR
  • Juliana de Araujo

    The use of low-concentration oxygen can be beneficial for premature babies, always being within the target saturation.

    In following article:
    Oxygen concentration for initiating resuscitation in preterm infants: NLS 5400 TF SR
  • Hannah Shore

    I would be anxious about NIRS use in the delivery room as it is not standard practice on many NICUs, it would be hard to apply and interpret and would detract from key treatment areas that we know have benefit and we need to focus on e.g. thermoregulation

    In following article:
    Near Infrared Spectroscopy during Respiratory Support at Birth:NLS 5362 TF SR
  • Juliana de Araujo

    Videolaryngoscopy not only improves the first-attempt success rate, but is also associated with fewer adverse events, such as desaturation and nasal/oral trauma, compared to direct laryngoscopy

    In following article:
    Video vs traditional laryngoscopy for neonatal intubation: NLS: 5351 TF SR
  • Juliana de Araujo

    Videolaryngoscopy not only improves the first-attempt success rate, but is also associated with fewer adverse events, such as desaturation and nasal/oral trauma, compared to direct laryngoscopy

    In following article:
    Video vs traditional laryngoscopy for neonatal intubation: NLS: 5351 TF SR

    Where I work there is no availability of videolaryngoscopy for neonatal use in delivery rooms and neonatal units.I have no experience to use the videolaryncoscopy,but I think it is so important to teach medical residents endotracheal intubation

    In following article:
    Video vs traditional laryngoscopy for neonatal intubation: NLS: 5351 TF SR

    the recommendation to consider intact cord milking in preference to early cord clamping must be in the future the best option..but in countries like Brazil, until all monitoring necessary to tihis become feasible..unfortunately it will take a long time

    In following article:
    Cord management of non-vigorous term and late preterm (≥34 weeks’ gestation) infants: NLS 5050(b) TF SR
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